Saturday, June 2, 2012

2HJ Is Featured By a National TV Program!

On June 1, Second Harvest Japan (2HJ) was covered by NHK Tokuho Shutoken, a Japan's prime-time documentary program. This time, the program was focused on food waste and how we utilize the food that would have gone to waste. 

Japan is largely dependent on imported food. Japan's food self-sufficiency rate is just 39 percent, which is the worst among all the developed countries. Meanwhile, 20 million tons of food are thrown away every year in the country. The half of it is said to be still "safe to consume." On the other hand, there are 750,000 people do not have enough food. 

The program explained how food are wasted and yet there are approaches to the issue like our food banking. 

In the show, they asked viewers to send comments through twitter and by email. 

2HJ Volunteer Coordinator Megumi Takahara  put up a sign-board ad on the street of 2HJ's office to announce the program to people who walk by. 
These are breads that could have gone to waste if 2HJ hadn't picked up. 

We hope more people learn about food banking through the program and help 2HJ develop the food banking system throughout the country. 

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