Hello. Yuji Shibata here.
Today I am going to introduce one of the activities carried out by 2HJ's Ishinomaki Project.
Second Harvest Japan has been providing continuous support to those
affected by the 3.11 disasters from the day that the Great East Japan
Earthquake occurred until the present.
I visit the office of Food Bank Tohoku Again in Sendai every
Friday to make food packages. The food packages made at Food Bank Tohoku Again are transported from Sendai to Ishinomaki by truck.
Approximately 12 to 14 different types of food items are included in
the package, including items such as ready-made curry, spaghetti,
emergency food supplies, beverages, seasonings and rice are packed
together and given to those in need.
This time myself and two others worked together to make 96 packages for survivors and others in need.
Already more than 2 years have passed since the Great East Japan
Earthquake, but more than 300,000 people across Japan are still living
as evacuees.
We continue our efforts in hopes that such individuals will be able
to acquire a sense of security and peace of mind, and return to their
former lives even one day sooner.